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Pros and cons of having a remote starter
What does a remote starter cost?
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Pros and cons of having a remote starter

A remote starter is a device that will allow you to start your car from the comfort of your home or from just about anywhere within a few hundred feet. Typically, people get a remote starter installed in their vehicle in order to be able to “warm up” their car when it is cold out. This can obviously be quite useful in a place such as Alaska. However, there are additional benefits as well as several drawbacks to getting a remote starter for your car.

The pros of getting a remote starter for your car:

  1. You can warm up your car before you go outside – In freezing temperatures, your car will be room temperature or warmer by the time you jump in to start driving.
  2. It will automatically shut off – If you have ever left your car running with your keys in the ignition, odds are you probably did so for much longer than ten minutes at some point. With a remote starter, your car will automatically shut off after a predetermined interval such as fifteen minutes.
  3. You can keep your car locked while it runs – If you ever wanted to run into the store quick while a passenger or pet waited in your car, you probably worried about leaving the keys in the ignition not only because that makes theft much easier but also because you cannot lock your doors in that instance. A remote starter will let you run your car with your doors locked and your keys in your pocket.
  4. Idling laws make an exception for remote starters – If you leave your car running with your keys in the ignition and you are not in the car, in many states, you can be ticketed for violating idling laws. However, these rules typically make exceptions for remote starters, and this absolutely holds true in Alaska.

The cons of getting a remote starter for your car:

  1. The overall price can be high – As you will see below, the overall cost of a remote starter will be several hundred dollars after installation is factored in.
  2. It wastes a lot of gas – You will be burning through a considerable amount of gas which, over time, will be quite expensive.
  3. You are contributing to pollution – Unless you drive an electric vehicle of some kind, you will be creating unnecessary carbon emissions by running your vehicle in front of your home.


What does a remote starter cost?

The cost of a remote starter will vary based on multiple factors. This includes the specific type of remote starter you get, what kind of vehicle you are having it installed in, the additional cost of installation and whether or not the starter is covered by a warranty.

Currently, these are some price ranges for remote starters based on the options you can choose from:

What is included with your remote starter
Estimated price
Just the remote starter
Between $50 and $100
The remote starter and installation
Between $250 and $500
The remote starter, installation and a warranty
Between $300 and $700


Final word

Getting a remote starter for your car is a great way to stay warm during the cold Alaskan winter. Having that device installed in your car will also allow you to avoid leaving your doors unlocked while your car runs and will prevent you from getting an idling ticket. However, some drawbacks of using a remote starter for your vehicle include costly installation, an expensive and consistent waste of gas and an unnecessary contribution to pollution.

Posted in: Alaska Car Shipping

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Keep your tires and car safe
Keep yourself safe
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Keep your tires and car safe

Alaska is the largest state in the United States by a long shot. It is comprised primarily wilderness and tundra. This means many of the “roads less traveled” will not be paved. Thus, when you are out driving on a dirt or gravel road in Alaska, you will want to do so with an abundance of caution. Roads that are commonly used in incorporated have been paved for a reason, in order to ensure the smoothest and safest trip possible. However, you can still have a relatively safe and smooth ride when you off-road as long as you do the following:

Keep it slow Driving cautiously is key on dirt and gravel roads. If you do start to lose control or encounter an obstacle, you will have much more time to react.
Follow those that came before you Much like you would walking in the snow, if there are tire treads in front of you, cautiously follow them. It will help your tires’ traction and it creates a path for you to follow.
Keep off the edges Stay in the middle of the road or path. The edges of the road generally tend to be less traveled thus those areas will be rougher and more difficult to navigate.
Lessen your tire pressure Believe it or not, slightly lowering the pressure in your tires can help make your ride on an unpaved road a bit smoother. When your tires have less pressure, they will have more give which will allow them to traverse rocks and dirt better while simultaneously lessening the chance of a flat via puncture.
Avoid heavy braking and steering You should absolutely avoid gripping your steering wheel too tightly as well as slamming on your brakes. Over-gripping your steering wheel can transfer the rough terrain’s motion directly into you which can cause injury. Ease into any use of your brakes when possible as sudden stops can be extremely jarring when off-roading.


Keep yourself safe

You also want to ensure that you and all of your passengers remain safe when you are driving on gravel or dirt roads. A good starting point is to only use a vehicle intended for this type of driving. Some sort of sport utility vehicle or Jeep could work. Avoid trying to use a typical passenger car such as a sedan for any driving on unpaved roads.

Make sure that you are well prepared in case of an emergency where you will not be able to drive any further. Keep emergency supplies in your vehicle. This will include:

  • Extra food and water
  • A well charged cell phone with excellent service or a satellite phone
  • First aid kit
  • A spare all-terrain tire (not a donut)
  • Flashlights
  • A jump box
  • Some basic tools

When you are off-roading in particularly remote areas always be sure that you let someone else who is not going with you know where you are going and when you expect to return by. If you end up stranded, this can be the difference between a quick rescue and a considerably longer one.

Finally, your tires should be off-road appropriate as well. If you have a vehicle like a Jeep, odds are it already has off-road ready tires. However, some SUVs and other trucks may only have more typical stock type tires upon purchase. The type of tire that you will want on your vehicle will be all-terrain tires.

Final word

Driving on an unpaved road is not that much of a risk as long as you know what you are doing, and you are prepared. You must drive cautiously without any sudden maneuvering or braking if possible. You should only use the right type of vehicle with the right type of tires. You also need to be ready for emergency situations where you will not be able to continue driving on any further.

Posted in: Alaska Car Shipping

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Only use the left lane if passing
HOV considerations
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Only use the left lane if passing

The left-most lane of any road that has more than one lane going in the same direction is always reserved for passing. It is only for drivers who are constantly passing cars in the lane directly to the right of them. If you only intend to pass one car, get back into the middle lane after you have done so.

There are two main types of set ups involving passing lanes. A two-lane road/highway and a three-plus lane road/highway. In a two-lane road situation, the left lane is for passing and the right lane is for both traveling and entering/exiting the highway. On these types of roads traveling can be a bit slower because of cars using the same lane to travel as well; as to enter and exit the road. You can choose to travel in the left lane but it is imperative that you remain passing the cars in the right lane. If you do not, you must get back into the right lane.

As far as roads or highways with three plus lanes, the left lane is also exclusively for passing. However, the middle lane or lanes are for traveling and the right-most lane is for entering/exiting the highway. This set up leads to less congestion because there are no cars entering or exiting the highway in a travel lane and, ideally, there are no cars traveling in the passing lane.

HOV considerations

In certain urban and city areas where there is typically a lot of traffic congestion, there are sometimes what are known as HOV lanes. HOV stands for “high-occupancy vehicle” which refers to any car or vehicle with two or more people inside. In the United States, these lanes are located in the left-most lane with a clear painted division between them and the lane to the right of them with exits/entrances every few miles. The two primary purposes of HOV lanes are to decrease both pollution and traffic congestion by incentivizing people to carpool with the reward of being able to avoid being stuck in traffic.

The HOV lanes tend to be for passing, traveling and entering/exiting the lane itself. However, because vehicles are entering from what is already a passing lane rather than a slower road altogether, there tends to be much fewer slow downs and overall speeds remain high in these lanes.

Final word

The passing lane is the left-most lane of any road or highway with multiple lanes. These lanes are only to be used if you are consistently passing vehicles that are travelling in the lane to the right. If you no longer wish to maintain a higher speed that would be necessary to constantly pass vehicles in the lane to the right, you must merge into that lane. HOV lanes are special lanes which are located to the left of passing lanes. They require at least two people are in your car in order to use them. The speeds in these lanes tend to be similar to those of passing lanes when there is no traffic. If you would like to ship your car to Alaska at anytime through out the year, give the vehicle transport experts at Alaska Car Transport a call for a free instant quote at (907) 331-3100!

Posted in: Alaska Car Shipping

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Stop and wait
Pay attention
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Stop and wait

The most obvious and important part of taking caution near a railroad crossing is that you stop and wait at the crossing if the lights start to flash rather than attempting to beat the train and/or the closing gates over the tracks. The risk is simply not worth it. It is extremely unlikely that you or anyone else in your vehicle survive if you are struck by an oncoming locomotive. Even if the train has applied its emergency brakes, it will likely not be able to stop or even slow down enough in time to spare your life.
Here are a few statistics regarding trains, their speeds and the force of their impacts:

  • A train can take over one mile to come to a stop when it applies its emergency brakes as hard as it can. That is equivalent to just under twenty football fields. So, by the time a conductor sees you it is already too late.
  • Even if a train has slowed considerably, its impact will still very likely be fatal. Most trains weigh around half a million pounds, give or take several tons. If trains travel at an average speed of sixty miles per hour and the conductor is able to see you a half mile away they might be able to slow the train to thirty or twenty five miles per hour. Imagine being struck by a half million pounds of force traveling twenty-five miles per hour or more.
  • In 2021, 11% of all accidents where a train struck a vehicle were fatal. Another 32% resulted in injuries. In the majority of these incidents the vehicle was totaled. These statistics also do not discount incidents where people fled their vehicle prior to the train strike. Thus, the chance of injury or death is higher than these statistics reflect.


Pay attention

As we mentioned, it is critical that you pay attention when you are approaching a railroad crossing just in case the lights start to flash signaling an oncoming train. Always stop and wait until the flashing ceases. However, you also should never be closer than fifteen feet away from the tracks when there is any indication that there is a train approaching. If you are ever in a situation where you get caught on the tracks after the gates have closed, drive through the gate. Having to pay the ticket, the cost of replacement for the gate and the cost of repairs for your car is better than losing your life or being seriously injured. Plus, even if you escape unharmed, your car will be totaled which insurance will surely not cover a dime of.

Final word

Railroad crossings are no joke when you are driving. Over two thousand cars were struck by trains in 2021 due to negligent drivers. Many of them lost their lives or were injured. All almost all of them had their vehicles totaled. You must always stay focused and pay very close attention when approaching a railroad crossing in your vehicle. Once the lights start flashing it is time to stop because the gates will come down shortly after that which will obviously be followed by the train crossing.

Posted in: Alaska Car Shipping

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The zipper technique
Other unwritten rules of the road
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The zipper technique

When it comes to being out on the road in Alaska or anywhere else in the country, there are a few unwritten but understood rules that the vast majority of drivers on the road will abide by. This makes things much easier in terms of general driving unless someone chooses to go their own way and ignore one of these unwritten rules of the road. Do yourself a favor, learn these rules and always follow them.

The first and one of the most important of these unwritten rules is known as “the zipper”. This refers to an instance where you have a busy highway with a lot of traffic congestion, and you also have a bunch of people simultaneously trying to merge onto that highway at the same time. This can easily lead to issues such as fender benders and road rage. However, these things are easily avoided when people use the zipper technique. This is when one car already on the road/highway being merged onto allows one car from the row of cars trying to merge to successfully and easily do so.

There is no law requiring that anyone do this. There is also no law that says a second vehicle from the row of cars trying to merge onto the highway cannot try and squeeze in right behind the one in front of it. However, almost everyone knows not allowing one car to merge or, conversely, trying to sneak in as a second car is frowned upon. Everyone knows it’s a figurative zipper – one car merges and the car that let that car in continues on behind that car, one from each side each and every time.

Other unwritten rules of the road

There are also several other unwritten rules of the road that you should definitely be aware of before you start driving again. The first is that you should never drive in someone’s blind spot for more than a quick moment in order to pass them. Although it is expected for all good drivers to always check their blind spot prior to changing lanes, we likely have all forgotten once or twice and had a blaring horn directed at us as a result.

Not cutting people off is another unwritten rule of the road, although this may be the most frequently ignored of any of these rules. You should always pay attention and plan your lane changes ahead in order to have enough safe time and distance to do so. Finally, as a driver you should never drive in the furthest left lane unless you are driving at a speed in which you are constantly and consistently passing cars in the lane next to you. People ignore this more frequently too, but they are rewarded with angry drivers tailgating them.

Final word

Unwritten rules can be looked at as an unspoken form of mutual respect through action between members of a community. For our purposes, our community encompasses everyone driving. There certainly are several very important unspoken rules of the road which you should always try to abide by. This includes using the zipper technique, not driving in someone’s blind spot or cutting them off and never driving slow in the fast lane.

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Correct use of road flares
Road flare safety
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Correct use of road flares

Road flares are obviously only for use in situations where your car is not operational for one reason or another and you need to bring attention to your vehicle so other vehicles will not hit it as they drive by. They will also help first responders find you quicker if you need their assistance. However, not all situations will warrant using road flares. Typically, you should use road flares if you have been in an accident or broken down in or near the road at night, if your car is not operable for any reason on a blind curve, or if you are on a tight shoulder and cannot get your car to the nearest exit or turn off.

If you end up in a situation where you will need to use road flares, you should know exactly how to ignite them. In the case of traditional non-LED road flares, first remove the cap. Then, strike the end of the flare that was covered by the cap on the coarse surface attached to the end of the outside of the cap. This works the same way a match and a matchbook do. The flare will then be ignited. Put the cap on the end of the flare that is not burning. Then place the flare on the ground where oncoming traffic will see the ignited end easily. Repeat as needed.

Road flare safety

There are several things you must do in order to remain safe when igniting and placing road flares. First, when you are going to ignite the flare hold it away from your body. Once it ignites, avoid looking directly into the ignited portion as it can be so it bright it can hurt your eyes. Also, do whatever you can to avoid inhaling the smoke given off from the flare as it contains harmful chemicals.

When you place a flare, make sure it is not placed near anything or any flammable fluids. In addition, do your best to avoid igniting road flares near any heavily wooded areas such as a forest or areas with lots of brush. When you are placing a flare, remember to pay attention to oncoming traffic so as to not be struck while you are doing so. Finally, make sure all flares are extinguished and removed from the road prior to leaving.

Final word

Road flares can be a literal lifesaver. If you are in a situation where you cannot move your car and it is in or near the path of traffic, flares can be the difference between traffic being able to see you or not. This can be the difference that spares a dangerous accident. If you ever do need to use road flares, use extreme caution and do so safely as road flares can start fires, cause burns and toxic smoke inhalation if used haphazardly.

Posted in: Alaska Car Shipping

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Mufflers and cold weather
Keeping your muffler working well
Wrapping up


Mufflers and cold weather

Your muffler is the part of your car’s exhaust system that will greatly reduce the would-be loud sound of harmful gasses being released from the car’s engine. Without the muffler, your car would be extremely noisy and illegal to drive. As it does with so many other things in terms of driving, winter weather will complicate things with your muffler.

When it is cold out over the winter, your car will take longer to warm-up to the point where it can function as normal. Because of this, shorter trips in the winter are not a good idea. When you make these shorter trips in the winter, water in the muffler will not have time to burn off and will lead to rust on the inside of the muffler.

Also, in the winter in Alaska, you will inevitably have snow. Sometimes, the snow can build up in the tailpipe which is the final portion of the exhaust system after the muffler. If this happens, the toxic fumes that get eliminated by your exhaust system can build up in your car and seriously injure or kill anyone inside of the car.

Keeping your muffler working well

Caring for your muffler will be easy. For the most part, it will just entail getting it replaced if it is not working or it is too rusted. However, you still can check it regularly for rust, make sure that the tailpipe is not getting clogged with dirt or snow and that you take your car in for service if you smell anything weird when your engine is running.

If you do need to get your muffler replaced, odds are that you will find out from your mechanic after you take your car in for some routine maintenance. This is one of the reasons why taking your car in for service at least once or twice a year is so important. Replacing your muffler will likely run you about three hundred to six hundred dollars depending on what type of vehicle you drive.

Wrapping up

The main purpose for your muffler is to reduce the very loud noise of your exhaust system at work so that you do not upset your neighbors or get a ticket. However, if it gets clogged it can be extremely dangerous for you and any passengers you have in your car. As long as you take occasional looks (always when there is snow) to make sure the tailpipe is not clogged with dirt or snow and you take your car in for regular service each year, you should not have to worry. If you need to get your muffler replaced, do so. It will not be too expensive and could prevent your exhaust system from failing.

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The risk of a left turn at a four-way intersection
Making your turn safely and legally
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The risk of a left turn at a four-way intersection

When you are trying to turn left at a four-way intersection with a traffic light in Alaska, the risk of a collision is an ever-present danger. Oncoming traffic can hinder your view of the traffic behind it. On top of that, other drivers can speed or even blow through a red light. More than half of fatal accidents at or near intersections according to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Association. Four-way intersections are the most dangerous because there is the maximum amount of traffic present for any intersection.

Making your turn safely and legally

In order to both safely and legally make a left turn at a four-way intersection with a traffic light, you will need to do a few simple things. First, you will need to put your signal on several hundred feet before you reach where you will be physically turning. When you do reach that point, ensure that you can still see the traffic signal, so do not pull too far under or past it.

When you are waiting to turn, be sure that you keep your tires straight. This is because if your wheels are turned in the direction of your turn before you actually start turning and you are hit from behind, you will be pushed quickly into oncoming traffic which will not only make the damage much worse but that can easily lead to multiple fatalities including yourself. Always keep complete focus and attention on the oncoming traffic. Only make your turn when there is enough space in order to safely do so. If you see the light is turning red, do not try to turn quickly to beat it. Getting a simple red light ticket versus getting tee boned or into a head-on collision is not a worth while risk to take at all.

Final word

Making a safe and legal left turn at a four-way intersection with a traffic light is no easy task and can be quite dangerous if you do not do so with the proper care. Oncoming traffic will make the possibility of a collision much higher. Always signal prior to arriving at the physical point of the turn, always keep your wheels straight until you actually start turning and always stay focused and pay close attention. Never take any unnecessary risks in order to make your turn prior to the light turning red.

Posted in: Alaska Car Shipping

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The advantages of power windows
Keeping your power windows working


The advantages of power windows

Power windows are not something new. Most vehicles from the past twenty-five years came with power windows automatically. They replaced the old manually “rolled down” windows. The most obvious reason for this was convenience and ease. However, there are some more specific reasons to having power windows with your car in Alaska.

First, not having to physically roll the window all the way up or down will allow you to keep both hands on the wheel as you drive. With manual windows, you would have to take one hand off the wheel for several seconds each time you rolled the window up or down. To put it simply, when you use only one hand to steer, even momentarily, you are sacrificing control of the vehicle.

Another advantage of having power windows is that, in most modern cars, it will give you one-touch control over all the windows of the vehicle. The most important part of this advantage is that if you have kids in the car, you will be able to prevent them from playing with the windows which can burn them out and/or throwing things out of the windows.

Keeping your power windows working

Power windows can become a big inconvenience rather than an advantage if they stop working because then you will not be able get them up or down at all. It is rare that your power windows could stop working but it is certainly possible. Typically, if this happens it is because the mechanism for them has been burnt out by overuse. Regular use or even frequent use will not lead to this but some one playing with the windows could, so be sure you do not allow that in your car.

You should also make sure that your door rubbers are always clear of any dirt and or grime. If they are not, your windows might have a more difficult time getting up and down which could lead to too much stress on the mechanism. Finally, if any of the buttons for your windows are get stuck, make sure you fix it or take it to the shop in order to get fixed. If you leave a button stuck it will continuously draw power and that can also burn out the mechanism.


All cars have power windows these days with very few exceptions. Your vehicle’s power windows will allow you to take a fraction of the time to get a window in your car up or down in comparison to manually powered windows which will allow you to focus on driving and steering. It is important that you not allow any children in your car to play with your windows, that you keep your door rubbers clean and that you get any window buttons that are stuck unstuck because all of these things can stress the window mechanism and lead to the windows not working.

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Precipitation in Alaska
Keeping your wipers working well
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Precipitation in Alaska

Precipitation in Alaska will vary in a very big way depending on the particular area that you are talking about. Up in the artic region precipitation is only about six inches annually whereas in the southeastern panhandle precipitation is typically about two hundred inches each year. Much of this precipitation can be snow.

Either way, you should be prepared by having a good and reliable pair of windshield wipers. If you have the original wiper blades that came with your vehicle and they are working fine, you should keep them. The original manufacturer wiper blades are always the best option. However, if you need to replace your wiper blades, do not go too cheap. Cheaper wiper blades could end up hopping and or streaking when you need them the most. If that occurs during a serious rain or snowstorm, you could end up with considerably lower visibility which is quite dangerous.

Keeping your wipers working well

Once you have a reliable pair of wiper blades in place, you will just need to be sure that you are taking the proper steps to keep them going for as long as possible. This will start with keeping your windshield clean. This means you should get your car washed at least once a month but also be sure to pull over at a gas station and wipe off any tougher dirt or debris instead of letting your wiper blades go back and forth over it. You should also make sure you scrape and defrost the windshield in the winter months before you use your wiper blades at all.

Also, make sure that you never run your wiper blades on a dry windshield because they will wear out much more quickly if you do. Only use them during rain or snow or when you are using your wiper fluid. Finally, do not use them at their highest speeds unless it is completely necessary to do so.

Final word

With all of the precipitation that can occur in Alaska, your windshield wipers will be a big asset in terms of being able to drive your vehicle safely. Make sure that you take care of your windshield wipers by keeping your windshield clean, scraping and defrosting your windshield in the winter and by avoiding improperly using them. If you need a car moved to or from Alaska, call the vehicle transport professionals at Alaska Car Transport for a free quote today at (907) 331-3100!

Posted in: Alaska Car Shipping