Celebrate October in Alaska

October in Alaska

October brings many pleasures from an array of deep-hued, changing and falling leaves to the promise of a long winter’s nap. While summer celebrates plenty of traditions such as old-time auto shows and outdoor music, there’s something special about fall, as well. The air is crisper and cleaner, and there is a newness about the season. Imagine yourself in Alaska surrounded by all the amenities fall has to offer and throw in an Oktoberfest or two and you have the setting for a perfect trip to Alaska this fall.


If you are planning a trip to Alaska or have been thinking about it this fall, why not celebrate Alaska, German heritage and, don’t forget – beer this fall at one of Alaska’s many Oktoberfests.


Oktoberfest in Alaska

Hundreds of thousands of German descendants are getting ready to celebrate October in Anchorage. The German Club of Anchorage has the honor of hosting the biggest Oktoberfest festival in keeping with this tradition that is just under 50 years old.

On October 2-3, 2015, you can expect to see traditional festivities such as polka music and polka dancing and plenty of German cultural festivities. There will be plenty of German food and, of course, German beverages to enjoy. Feel free to don your best Dirndl or Lederhosen too.


Aleyska Resort Oktoberfest

If you are in the Girdwood, Alaska region, then take some time to join the festivities at the Aleyska Resort Oktoberfest. There will be plenty of food, beer and lively music to keep the festivities going. The fair runs Saturday and Sunday until October 2nd and 3rd, 2015. What better way to celebrate the many fine characteristics of German beer and food then with a German polka dance at an Alaskan resort?

While you may associate Alaska with the Eskimos or Inupiat heritage, German heritage is an important part of Alaska. Not sure of what types of food you might encounter at a German Festival Oktoberfest? Here are a few you might want to explore:

  • Bratwurst
  • Knackwurst
  • Kassler
  • And, of course, German potato salad

When you are full of delicious German, tasty treats, you can then try your hand (or your feet) at some traditional dance such as polka or a fast waltz. With all this eating, drinking and dancing to keep you warm, you may even forget you are in the cooler Alaskan temperatures.

Haven’t had enough food or beer yet during your October trip to Alaska? Try the Great Alaska Beer Train adventure.


Great Alaska Beer Train

Picture yourself enjoying the 100 mile scenic tour from Anchorage to Portage with the finest local microbrews all lined up and ready for you to taste. Sitting back and relaxing, enjoying a ½ dozen half-pints of Glacier Brewhouse beers and munching on appetizers while you take in one of the most breathtaking scenic tours you could imagine.

Alaska and October – it doesn’t get much better than this.

Category: Tips