How to Make a Legal U-Turn in Alaska

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Checking for signs and road markings
Making your U-turn safely
Final word


Checking for signs and road markings

When you make a U-turn, you will want to make sure that you do so safely but also legally. In terms of doing so legally, there are several things that you will need to remember. The first is that road signs in combinations with the painted road markings will dictate whether or not you can legally make a U-turn in certain areas. The signs that you need to keep an eye out for will include a no U-turn sign which is simply just a curved arrow that starts on one side of the sign, ends on the other and points down in a circle with a line through it. It may or may not say “No U-turns” as well. Another sign that indicates U-turns are illegal is a sign that simply says, “No turn around”.

As we mentioned, painted road markings can also indicate that a U-turn on a particular stretch of road is illegal. This includes double solid lines or a single solid line. It is also illegal to make a U-turn over a road divider such as a curb. Finally, U-turns are always illegal at railroad crossings as well as on roads with curves that have obstructed views in either direction.

Making your U-turn safely

Once you have determined that it is legal to make your U-turn, you will want to be sure that you make the U-turn safely. If you get into an accident while making a U-turn, it will very likely be a T-bone accident which has extremely high potential for serious injury and damage.

Start your U-turn by making sure that the path you will be taking will be completely clear of other cars for the time that you will be taking it. Also, prior to making your U-turn, make sure your corresponding turn signal is on. Ensure that you are as far right in your lane as you can safely and legally be as this will give you a bit more space to safely complete the turn. As, you are making the U-turn, keep your foot on your brake without using it unless it becomes necessary. Finally, do not make a U-turn too sharply as you can end up crossing the curb or divider by doing so.

Final word

Making a U-turn is sometimes unavoidable, but it can always be dangerous and can sometimes be illegal and land you with an expensive ticket. In order to make a legal U-turn, be sure that there are no signs or road markings around indicating that it is illegal, that you are not doing so at a railroad crossing, that there is not a curved road with an obstructed view in either direction and that you are not doing so over a road divider. Making a safe U-turn will mean turning on your blinker, checking carefully for oncoming traffic and keeping your foot on your brake while you turn just in case.

Category: Alaska Car Shipping.