Here is Why You Should Skip the Car Rental in Alaska

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The problems with renting a car in Alaska
Choices for having your own car in Alaska
Other options for getting from place to place
Final Word

The problems with renting a car in Alaska

Renting a car in Alaska is a viable option for a few days. After that, it is costly, but it is also quite restrictive as well. If you are going to be living in Alaska or staying there for more than two weeks, it really does not make much sense to rent a car unless you have no other options. In 2020 and beyond, you will always have other options such as ride-share apps, taxis, public transportation and more.

The actual cost of renting a car in Alaska is at least $20 per day. After one month, that is $600. After two months, it will be $1200. On top of this cost, you will also need to pay for the car rental insurance as well.

Even with the insurance, you will be limited in what you are able to do with the car. Technically, you can do whatever you want once you have the car, but the rental agreement will stipulate that you are not allowed to do several things with the car. If you do these things and the car incurs damage in the process will not be covered by the insurance which means you will need to pay for all of it.

Off-roading is a prime example of this. All car rental agreements will stipulate that you are not allowed to take the car off-road under any circumstance. If you do and the vehicle is damaged, you will need to pay for all of it regardless of whether or not you had the insurance.

Choices for having your own car in Alaska

The best two options you have for having your own vehicle in Alaska are buying a car, so long as you can afford it, or shipping a car you already own there. Buying a new car will always cost you the most money. It will, however, offer much more freedom than renting, ride share apps or public transportation.

Shipping your car to Alaska is your very best option when you are going to Alaska for any sort of extended stay past a week or two. First, it is quite inexpensive in comparison to buying a new car. It is also quite affordable in comparison to driving all the way there or renting a car for several weeks or months. Finally, it is the most convenient option you have by far.

Other options for getting from place to place

If you do not own a car, are not interested in buying a new one and do not want to undergo the expense of renting one you do have these other transportation options available to you in Alaska:

  • The ferry – Alaska has a ferry system which can help supplement your travel needs, especially when you need to get to a landlocked area of Alaska of which there are several. Of course, this option is much less convenient than driving.
  • Busses – There are busses that travel locally within an area such as Anchorage. There are also busses that travel between different cities and areas such as from Anchorage to Fairbanks.
  • Taxis – There are taxis in many of the major areas of Alaska such as Anchorage and Juneau.


Final Word

Renting a car in Alaska should be a very temporary option or a last resort. It can be both expensive and very restrictive. Either way, you need to be aware that you always have so many other options available to you such as ride share apps, busses, ferries and car shipping. Having your own car in Alaska will always be your very best option.

Category: Alaska Car Shipping.